Local Leadership, Global Results in 2022:
Reflections from the Executive Director
At Transforming Faces’ founding in 1999, we embraced some ideas that were considered radical for an international cleft NGO. Among them:
1) That local health professionals in Asia, Africa and Latin America were best positioned to provide care, and;
2) That a comprehensive approach best supports children toward demonstrating full inclusion in their homes, at school, and in the community.
We’re grateful and humbled to see our ‘radical’ passion reflected by our donors and supporters. Thanks to you, we were able to significantly increase our support for children and families, all while limiting non-program spending. Good stewardship is a core responsibility in making a sustainable impact.
We’re inspired daily by the commitment of our partners to pioneer new models of care and of the resilience of families who overcome many barriers to ensure that their child born with cleft leads a full life. Through this brief report, I’m delighted to invite you to journey through the Circle of Care that informs everything we do.
Along the way, you’ll meet children like Johari and Linda and learn more about the joys, as well as the challenges, of pursuing a vision for Comprehensive Cleft Care for all.
On behalf of our team and partners worldwide: Thank you.
Hugh Brewster
Executive Director
One year ago, we planted a renewed mission and vision. Now firmly rooted, we reflect on the initiatives that have furthered access to Comprehensive Cleft Care, while acknowledging the challenges we face.
Behind it, all are leaders - local partners delivering team-based care, caregivers rallying for awareness, children affected by cleft supporting each other, a dedicated staff and board at Transforming Faces, and you.
Comprehensive Cleft Care
Solutions, Together
Cleft Treatments*
Treatments in 2022
( ↑ 13%)
Treatments Since 1999
Multiplying Impact
(↓ 9.2%)
Avg. yearly Cost/Patient
The pandemic-sparked shift to virtual care (in Latin America & Asia) has proven cost-effective, decreasing our overall average cost from 2017-2019.
Children Supported
New Patients in 2022
( ↑ 26%)
Families Helped in 2022
( ↓ 8%)
*A cleft treatment includes any element of Comprehensive Cleft Care such as counselling, nutritional support, speech therapy, surgery, and more.
Comprehensive Cleft Care Solutions, Together
⬤ Local Impact
Our local partners, represented in orange, have strengthened their ties with their communities to deliver more ongoing cleft care. The map below highlights the number of families accessing care through TF programs in 2022. Click the icons to explore their stories.
⬤ Global Network
TF is a founding member of the Circle of Cleft Professionals (CoCP), a network dedicated to furthering Comprehensive Cleft Care, highlighted in blue. In 2022, the CoCP grew to over 700 members who share a passion to see children achieve full rehabilitation in Low and Middle-Income Countries.
Journey Through the
Circle of Care ->
The Circle of Care places the child at the centre of the planning process.
Comprehensive Cleft Care (CCC) is the treatment pathway that is most likely to be helpful, appropriately timed, and suitable for the child’s diagnosis and context.
Explore the circle that you help to complete.
Explore - Click the Circle
Click on a cleft care service to learn how it contributes to the full circle of care. You will also discover stories of CCC.
Dental Care
Meet Janani & Her Teacher
Janani was born with a cleft lip and palate in Tamil Nadu, India. She has been receiving CCC since she was only 17 days old. In this 2-minute video, see how speech therapy has built her confidence and meet the teacher who has become an advocate for community-based cleft care!
Global Innovation and Professional Development
TF’s Circle of Care requires the heart and soul (not to mention the on-the-ground legwork!) of an interdisciplinary team. We invest in local teams so that they may provide quality ongoing cleft care closer to home. Working and learning together improves children’s outcomes!
International Cleft Congress (Cleft 2022)
Members of the Transforming Faces staff and board were delighted to convene in Edinburgh for the 14th Cleft Congress in July 2022.
TF’s 40 delegates, made up of local partners from around the world, spent 5 days learning from and with each other.
Delegates presented research and discussed ways to enhance Comprehensive Cleft Care in Low and Middle-Income Countries.
A Collaborative Spirit
for Cleft 2022
Prior to the Cleft 2022 Conference, TF’s global CCC leaders explored the strengths and challenges facing their centres, and offered one another solutions to common concerns.
Comprehensive Cleft Care Workshops
Transforming Faces works with our partners to advance and refine CCC approaches. Facilitating these strategic conversations helps develop care plans for the children and families that need it most.
Madagascar Knowledge Exchange
Dr. Nirina Mandrano and 3 nurses & midwives from the Santé Plus team in Madagascar visited two of TF’s long-term partners in Ethiopia and Uganda. These conversations, observations, and learning have redoubled the team’s efforts in growing Madagascar’s first CCC centre.
Thank You, Retiring Board Member Dr. Ronald Zuker
Dr. Ron Zuker is a paediatric plastic and reconstructive surgeon who served as the Medical Director of SickKids Cleft Lip & Palate program for over a decade. He recently completed his tenure on TF’s Board of Directors, a position he’s held since 2015.
Thank you, Dr. Ron, for your wisdom and inspiration service to TF and our partners around the world.
Financial Statements
This year we made our largest investment in cleft care to date, thanks to our generous donors. The TF staff and our partners work closely to ensure resources are well used with global results in Comprehensive Cleft Care in mind.
REVENUE & EXPENSES | 2022 | 2021 |
Total Revenue | ||
Grants, Donations & Other Income | $2,050,543 | $1,604,118 |
Total Expenses | $2,134,770 | $1,541,920 |
Cleft Care | $1,243,678 | $807,786 |
Partner Medical Training & Capacity Building | $455,947 | $432,634 |
Administration and Fundraising | $324,907 | $278,188 |
Excess of Revenue over Expenses | ($84,227) | $62,197 |
NET ASSETS | 2022 | 2021 |
Balance, Beginning of Year | $406,252 | $344,055 |
Excess (Deficiency), Revenue over Expenses | ($84,227) | $62,197 |
Balance, End of Year | $322,025 | $406,252 |
Your Donations at Work
*A private charitable foundation covers TF’s administrative and fundraising costs. This means 100% of your donation goes toward our CCC programs.
This life-changing care is made possible by you.
This expense is covered by a private charitable foundation.
This expense is also covered by a private charitable foundation.
Our Gratitude
Transforming Faces Staff
Thank you for helping to fulfil the Circle of Care and supporting Comprehensive Cleft Care in under-resourced communities. We are grateful to our donors, partners, staff, board, advisories, and supporters.
Thank you to TF staff, partners and volunteers for photos featured in this report and to Sahil Ali for additional film and photography. Visual design by Jessica Orduz.
Edited by Kristian Wykes
Contact Us
637 College St., Suite 203
Toronto, ON, M6G 1B5
© 2023 Transforming Faces | Charitable Registration # 86720 4034 RR0001