S4CCC: COVID & Beyond Findings


Transforming Faces (TF) is a founding sponsor of the Circle of Cleft Professionals (CoCP), a growing network of cleft professionals from around the world.

On June 2, 2021, the CoCP hosted over 120 cleft professionals from around the globe who came together to generate solutions for delivering cleft care at the ‘Solutions 4 Comprehensive Cleft Care: COVID & Beyond’ (S4CCC) virtual conference.

For this second edition of the S4CCC conference, the CoCP invited 40+ global cleft leaders (see: photo above) to an intensive 2+ month experience of virtual collaboration: across regions, languages, disciplines, and NGO affiliations. These colleagues are to be commended for piloting a novel approach to global taskforce work.

Building upon the findings of the CoCP’s recent global survey of CCC professionals, these 6-8 person Solutions Groups (SG) presented the practical findings and recommendations you will find in this summary report, and facilitated dialogue to which over 120 cleft professionals contributed. We were pleased to host 2 of our 6 Roundtables en español for the first time.

The immense stress currently affecting families and cleft professionals alike was a theme woven through our discussions. In light of this, Prof. Nichola Rumsey’s (OBE, PhD) opening plenary session on Promoting Resilience in Patients and Families: A new focus for care was most stimulating and apt.

S4CCC’s wise International Advisors ably ended our time together in the closing plenary with insightful remarks about the importance of innovative global collaboration in the face of the pandemic, and their hopes that these conversations will lead to further progress.

We’re pleased to report that S4CCC participants have assessed this conference positively, with 94% of participants and Solutions Group members keen to make a priority of the next conference. Thankfully, you don’t have to take our word for it – the S4CCC YouTube Playlist is up and running. We also offer this written summary of S4CCC highlights as a spur to further innovation and learning amidst the ongoing disruption of COVID-19.

Download the 2021 Solutions4CCC Findings and Recommendations (English)

Descargar los Hallazgos y Recomendaciones de la S4CCC (Español)

We thank our sponsors for making the S4CCC possible.

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