
The CCC: Speech and Surgery Collaboration Conference brought together a select group of Cleft Surgeons, alongside experienced and budding cleft Speech Therapists to identify the skills, knowledge and attitudes that lead local Cleft Teams to see patients achieve strong speech outcomes.

Speech & Surgery Collaboration Report

This is an exciting moment in the development of Comprehensive Cleft Care (CCC) in East Africa (E.A):

  • The era of relying upon foreign volunteers to complete safe and effective lip and palate surgeries is waning.
  • Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) is increasingly recognized as a critical health profession in E.A.
  • The first CCC centres in E.A. are embracing the core challenges depicted in the CLEFT+ model (p.6).

We offer this brief report to participants in the hopes that you will extend the dialogue and learning with all of your colleagues interested in pursuing CCC!

Our Faculty

Your Hosts


Hugh Brewster

Executive Director

Neeti Daftari

Program Manager, Global Initiative

Andrew Inglis

Program & Financial Officer

A special thank you to our sponsor


Interactive | Cooperative | Practical

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